Thur March 7, 2019


Warm Up:
4 rounds with a light plate, 10 reps each
G2OH, Burpee to Plate, Sit Ups, OH Lunge, 100m jog


3 rounds,
5 squat therapy alt with Down Dog to Up Dog
Pigeon Pose, 30 seconds each leg
Goat Day
20min EMOM

Practice #1

Odd: 5 Bar/Ring MU
Even: 5 Power Snatch (40%)

Practice #2
Odd: 2-3 C2B/Pull Ups
Even:  5 Burpees

Practice #3
Odd: 3-4 HSPU
Even: 3 DB Power Cleans (Light)
Cardio #1
Odd: 1 min Row/Bike
Even: 10 weight step ups

Cardio #2
Odd: 5 line sprints
Even: 10 Burpees

“Excitement comes from the achievement. Fulfillment comes from the journey.”